Thursday, December 19, 2019
Bless Me Ultima Character Analysis - 708 Words
In Bless Me, Ultima! Written by Rudolfo A. Anaya, the main character Antonio is greatly affected by the deaths of three characters in this novel, Lupito, Narciso, and Florence. Their deaths cause Tony to question sin, death, forgiveness, the nature of God, and spiritual identity. Lupito, a war veteran that suffers from Post-traumatic stress disorder, death triggers the questioning of moral sin and afterlife, will he be forgiven because of his sickness from war? Narciso, one of Antonios closer friends, influenced Antonio, and his death has an effect of good and evil, and has him to question the nature of God. Florence, also one of Antonios friends, Florence didn’t believe in God because of his past, both of Florence parents†¦show more content†¦Antonio witnessed Tenerio shooting Narciso under the juniper tree. Still I was positive it had been a shot and I bolted forward. It was beneath the big juniper tree that I caught sight of the two figures†(168). As Narciso lay in the snow dying, he whispered to Antonio he needs confession before he passes away.†Muchacho,†his hoarse voice whispered, â€Å"I need confession----I am dying â€Å"(170). On Easter Sunday after Antonio had been saved he begin to question God about Narciso’s death. â€Å"Why did you allow Narciso to be murdered when he was doing well†(221). Florence, one of Antonio’s friends, does not believe in Catholicism. He questions god because of his past. Florence’s parents are dead, and his sisters are prostitutes. Antonio and Cico takes Florence to see the golden carp, while they went to show Florence the golden carp, they both recognized Horse and the others shouting and waving at them. â€Å"Florence hasn’t come up! He hasn’t come up!†Abel sobbed and tugged at my arm†(239). The kids were telling Antonio and Cico Florence had drowned, â€Å"He drowned, he drowned, â€Å"Bones whimpered†(239). Antonio felt as if he lost another friend, doomed to his dream-wanderings. â€Å"The church had not given him communion with God and, so he was doomed to his dream wanderings, like Narciso and Lupito. Antonio felt as if there was absolutely nothing the church or himself could do for him now. â€Å"I felt that there was nothing the church or I could give him now†Show MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis : Bless Me, Ultima1361 Words  | 6 Pagesourselves. They can expand our thoughts to a multitude of different subjects and force us to be a slave to our dreams, such as facing parental pressure, religious ambivalence and the loss of ones innocence. This is true of Antonio Marez in the novel Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya. Antonio has lost control and begins to succumb to his dreams and loses control of himself. He battles his expectations given to him by his parents and also at the same time has another battle within himself. 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