Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Graduation Speech Elementary School - 852 Words

As I began school, I earned a much greater appreciation for the woods and lands on the ranch I grew up on. While I loved being at school, I dreaded the hour long bus ride each way. Not to mention the 15-minute drive down the ten-mile long dirt road to get to the bus stop. While in elementary school I was often found daydreaming and was often bored. After taking a series of standardized tests I was recommended for the gifted programs that were offered at the time. Although I did not want to be away from my friends, many of who were other ranch kids that I have been with since birth, I accepted going to the program at the urging of my teachers and my parents. I am not sure if the program is still in use, but as a child I found it amazing. There was very little strict curriculum, I was allowed to read all I wanted and there were many interactive lessons to choose from. I remained in that program throughout elementary, and wished that style of learning still existed as I moved on . Middle school was mostly a blur. I was in honors classes and did well, but really have very little memories of it as a whole. My single biggest memory from that time period was the start to my love of several of my hobbies, especially surfing and long range shooting. There were very few extracurricular sports offered except for little league baseball, which I always participated in and loved. My parents were extremely supportive of my endeavors, but never pushed them on me. I honestlyShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : Elementary School1019 Words   |  5 PagesI volunteered at W.B Sweeney Elementary School in Willimantic, Connecticut. I was with children in grades kindergarten through fifth for two hours after school every Monday this past semester. I thoroughly enjoyed helping them with homework, doing activities, and just getting to know them individually. I grew as a person from this opportunity, learned more about the field I am planning on entering, and broadened my e xperience with children overall. The environment of my site for volunteering wasRead MoreGraduation Speech : Elementary School1187 Words   |  5 PagesAs we grow up and finish school we typically forget a lot of people along the way. We grow away from friends, new people move in, others move away, our interests change, and we are separated into more specific classes, but there is one exception, our elementary school teachers. Our elementary school teachers are some of the most influential people in our lives. They are some of the first people our parents leave us with when they go to work. As we enter elementary school, we may cry as our parentsRead MoreGraduation Speech : Elementary School1627 Words   |  7 PagesWho here has attended Vaughn since elementary school? Do you remember how every morning on student would lead the pledge of allegiance to the entire school. Well, I was that kid once - I didn t want to do it, but my class nominated me so I have no choice. That day, I came late to school that day, and I didn t even eat breakfast; I just ran through the cafeteria and went into a full-on Sprint toward the stage. There were already the other two kids holding the flag of the United States when I gotRead MoreGraduation Speech : Elementary School1127 Words   |  5 PagesIt all started when I was a senior in high school and I was taking my final English class required to graduate. At first I had the attitude of a typical senior student with a bad case of â€Å"senioritis†, but that all changed once my teacher Ms. Wade began her lesson plan. I immediately fell in love with her teaching style and her enthusiasm for English, which seemed rare to come by with teachers who taught a senior level class. It was then that I knew I wanted to become a teacher and possibly majorRead MoreGraduation Speech : Elementary School986 Words   |  4 Pagesand pushing myself to my full potential. Growing up I consistently made honor roll. Elementary school consisted of me changing to specific cl asses that were designated for students who were academically above the rest of the grade level. I took much pride in my education and there was nothing that could stir me off course. Soon elementary school had come to an end, and I was faced with the inevitable; middle school. I was dedicated to my education so much, that I had secluded myself from everyoneRead MoreGraduation Speech : Elementary School872 Words   |  4 Pagesdeath?†at a young age. My elementary school, Foothill Oak, has shaped some prejudices and arrogance that I did my best to hide and fix through my middle school through high school. In Foothill Oak Elementary School I was one of the few that liked math and did my best in school. In that time I developed a prejudice against Hispanics due to being bullied by a few and not having the academic drive I did. Yet I had a few Hispanic and Latino friends that wanted to learn in school as I did but many of themRead MoreGraduation Speech : Elementary And Middle School1669 Words   |  7 Pageswhere I was headed. My elementary and middle school years were just like any other Catholic school student. My schedule consisted of going to school, attending church, a sports practice, and then completing homework like everyone else. It wasn’t until eighth grade, where I was uprooted from that cookie cutter lifestyle, that I was actually challenged and pushed harder to be the best person possible, and to overcome the diversity and influences that I faced in the public school setting. Eighth gradeRead MoreGraduation Speech : Elementary Summer School Program1100 Words   |  5 PagesEvery year, I have the opportunity to teach an elementary summer school program. Although this program only last for a month and a half, parents want to see some type of learning progress with their child; rather big or small. I believe given informal assessments throughout this program will help show the parents and students how they are making progress or what extra help can be provided for them to make the progress that they need to make. My classroom is consisted of 8 kindergarten students. TheirRead MoreSpecial Speech On Special Transition891 Words   |  4 Pagesthis special event. You are all are going to witness a special milestone that will forever be in our hearts. Remember that your presence alone supports us in every way possible as we are going through a special transition today. Now, I will start my speech. ----- A milestone. What is a milestone? Today, we are going to experience a milestone. A life milestone that all of us, in the future, will look back to and talk about how things were back then to the current lives we live in, the things weRead MoreA Curriculum For All K 12 Grades1129 Words   |  5 Pagesin each particular grade level. This administrative code allows districts to require more to the curriculum while restricting the removal of any of the foundation and enrichment curriculum requirements. Section 74.2 lays out the requirements of elementary curriculum by requiring districts with kindergarten through fifth grade to provide the TEKS in section 74.1, to support teachers by providing enough time for them to teach the TEKS and for the student to receive or learn the TEKS provided in English

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